Sunday, December 22, 2019

Becoming A Mentor Leader Who Can Work - 1715 Words

Using the Northcentral Library and Research Tools to Select a Topic Becoming a mentor/leader who can work with others to assist them in becoming better educators is my ultimate goal. In order to accomplish this task, I need to learn more about many topics. One way that will help me to learn is to utilize the tools of keywords and search limiters to assist my searches in the Northcentral Library and other sources. Another tool to take advantage of is the use of peer-reviewed materials. Using these will help me save time and focus on the really good material instead of material that may not have been written by a reliable source. Here are some ways that I have utilized my research to help motivate my students to be more successful in middle school allowing me to become a better educator and one who can help others to motivate their students. Motivating Minority Students I selected three topics interest that I felt would help me to achieve my goal of learning more about how to work successfully with different types of students. My topics are 1) Inclusion of Special Education Students in Regular Education Classes, 2) Motivating Minority Students, and 3) Working with ESOL Learners. I chose Motivating Minority Students because my school already has many different minorities. I feel that if I can find new ideas and tools that would motivate them, then the success that they feel would improve the school year for them. I am pursuing an Educational Specialist degree in Teaching andShow MoreRelatedLeadership, Transformational Leader And Leader Member Exchange Theory958 Words   |  4 Pagesbecome one, type of leader, transformational leader and the leader member exchange theory. The traits need to become a leader are to have drive, motivated to lead, honest, self-confidence, cognitive ability and know the business. 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